Thursday, 28 July 2016


This blog covers Sirena IV's summer cruise in 2016. We're running late this year because we were supporting Lesley's sister Mary through the latter stages of her cancer.

Our plan is to do a circular trip to Amsterdam. Up the East Coast, probably to Harwich (Shotley), then a long run across the North Sea to Ijmuiden and into Amsterdam for a few days, then south through the mast-up canals to pop out somewhere (yeah, loose plan), hop along the coast and then Nieuwpoort or Dunkerque across to Ramsgate and home to Gillingham. Or it might be the other way round, depending on the weather. 

We have 4 weeks.  It's a bit of a scramble to be ready to go ... as usual with any long holiday, it creates a deadline for all that stuff, boaty and otherwise, that has been drifting along or sitting quietly on the to-do list.