Wednesday, 31 August 2016

A day at the seaside

Our last rest day before the last leg home to Gillingham, spent in Ramsgate. This is our 6th visit in 4 years so we know the harbour and marina, and we know our way around town, all of which makes for a stress-free visit. The town has a slightly run-down, frayed-at-the-edges charm about it, and the Royal Harbour keeps going due to the maintenance fleet for the offshore wind farm now that the cross-channel ferries have gone. 

Last night we had a drink at the Royal Temple Yacht Club and then a swift and tasty meal at the Italian restaurant literally underneath it - there's a steep hill that looks out over the Royal Harbour. Swift because we'd been up since 4am UK time. 

This morning we walked around to the beach, wolfing down a freshly made crab sandwich for elevenses on the way. The sun was warm, the wind slight, the holiday-makers thin on the sand, and we had an excellent swim. 

By the time we had de-sanded and changed in the public toilet block that said 'no changing' it was time for lunch so we repaired to an excellent locals' cafe off the classic English sea-side front for baked potato and various filings with salad and excellent coffee. We had remembered it from last year.

Then it was time for a little mooching round some charity shops, a couple of purchases. Thence to Waitrose for a very few supplies as we are running stocks right down now. L carried on retailing while N returned to the boat via a sit at the top to watch a yacht come in, and 10 mins quiet reflection in the Seamen's Church on the quayside. 

After some relaxation and tea we gathered ourselves to hose the boat down, washing off the grit of a hundred ports (well, a couple of dozen at least). A three  course meal on board with generous G&Ts, to celebrate our last evening of the trip, rounded off a splendid rest day at the seaside. 

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