Monday, 15 August 2016

The Night Convoy

Another 7 yachts arrived quietly as soon as the Westersluis bridge started opening again at 2200. The announcement came on VHF 69 around 2330 that the start time would be 0020 - good news this is earlier than is normal apparently. We actually started at 0035. The lights go from red to red-over-green while they close barriers and lift or swing the bridge then green for us to go. 

The pics show the different visibility between day and night! The city lights make it quite difficult to see in the canal, especially those 2 boats not displaying a stern light. The 14 bridges and 1 lock are only 4 miles but took 2 hours because we had to sit and wait in front of each bridge. Idling in the canal is the hardest part esp for our boat because if we get too close to boat or bridge and have to reverse then she can go in any direction. So very far from restful.  The last bridge complex over the lock to enter Nieuwemeer were rail and motorway - massive. 

All the others went on, some were rushing south as fast as they can. We didn't see the point of more night motoring and instead turned into the first little marina, tied up at the first pontoon, ate soup, went to sleep. 

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